Why should I sell my house to an investor instead of listing it? This is a question that many homeowners find themselves asking, especially in today’s market. With the housing market reaching all time highs it seems like a no brainer to hand it over to an agent to get top dollar, however there are many hidden costs most sellers aren’t aware of. The most common being commission, obviously Realtors charge a commission for their services and the higher the home sales for the higher their commission is. Six percent doesn’t seem like a lot but out of a 200,000 dollar house, 12,000 of it goes to a realtor. Twelve thousand dollars is a lot of money and sometimes the sellers don’t even pocket this much of a profit when there’s a mortgage in place. In addition to any commission costs, realtors in most cases will suggest sellers do improvements to their home to make it “market ready,” in most cases these improvements are not free and cut into the seller’s profit. An agent’s commission and any improvements to the home stand to cost the seller much of their potential earnings, but that’s not the only thing that may cut in seller’s profit. In today’s market home inspectors continue to get stricter and stricter on inspection reports and due diligence periods mean the buyers may walk for any reason, especially after the inspection. In most cases buyers are hitting sellers with extensive repair lists, demanding their items be addressed before closing on the property, this too will cost the seller more than they would have imagined. There’s no questioning the success of today’s real estate market, but handing your home to an agent to sell is not always the most profitable avenue. At helpful homes we specialize in helping sellers as we like to be upfront and give them an offer without any strings attached. Not only will we close on your house within 30 days or sooner, we won’t be demanding you make repairs on a home as we agree to buy them AS IS. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to sell or know someone that does give us a call and we will make sure we give you a fair cash offer that will ensure you’re profiting the most from your home, not an agent.