Foreclosure has been a daunting term since it was coined, losing your home to a bank or a private lender is never a good situation, so it’s important those who find themselves in this situation are educated as to who to call. In most cases the obvious answer to addressing one’s real estate needs is to call an agent, in a foreclosure situation that is not the smartest solution. Realtors are a dime a dozen and many do not specialize in foreclosure situations. It takes someone that can work with a bank and negotiate to provide the homeowner with as much relocation funds as possible and make the transaction smooth. Most realtors know how to put a house on MLS and represent buyers, not much else; so when their job becomes inundated with legal terms and loan conditions from a bank many will give up, leaving the homeowner is a worse situation than they found them in. With the real estate experts not being the people to call to avoid foreclosure, one may wonder what the fix is. Surprisingly, real estate investors who understand the foreclosure process are the best solution to avoiding foreclosure situations. Investors are able to provide homeowners with the a large selection of options that range from short sales to outside the box structures to protect their home. Instead of leaving your biggest asset in the hands of someone who is better at selling assets than protecting that asset, call Helpful Homes. As investors we can work with you and assess your situation to see which avenue is the best to avoid your foreclosure. We work with negotiators that can get results and approvals from the bank to make sure the deal works for you. Additionally, we can offer creative solutions to avoid foreclosure when the conventional sell does not work. If you find yourself in a foreclosure situation in North Carolina or Florida, don’t waste your time with a realtor that may or may not be able to give you results, call Helpful Homes and take the best shot at protecting your greatest asset.